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Extending the Life of the Arleigh Burke Destroyer in the US

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Warren Henry
Warren Henry is a tech geek and video game enthusiast whose engaging and immersive narratives explore the intersection of technology and gaming.

Naval News reported that the US Navy has decided to extend the life of the main destroyer from among its Arleigh Burke destroyers.

A post on the website said: “The US Navy has decided to extend the life of the main destroyer of the Arleigh Burke class for a period of five years. This ship was supposed to be operated for 35 years in the US Army, that is, until 2026, but a decision was made to extend its service life until 2031.

According to U.S. Naval Surface Forces Commander Admiral Brendan McClain, “The life extension of the Arleigh Burke can be seen as a testament to the overall success of the shipbuilding program for this class, as well as an example of the successful collaboration of the U.S. Navy with industry partners providing maintenance and modernization. “Just in time for the destroyers.”

After her commissioning in July 1991, the Arleigh Burke worked for almost 30 years at the Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia, and in April 2021 the ship was transferred to the Spanish port of Rota, where four advanced deployment destroyers of the US Navy’s Sixth Fleet are located. United States, and now this ship continues to fulfill its duties in those parts.

The ship has a gross displacement of 8900 tons, a length of 154 meters, a width of 18 meters and is equipped with four LM2500-30 gas turbine engines, which allow it to reach speeds of up to 30 knots. .

Arleigh Burke is equipped with two Mk.41 vertical rocket launchers with a total capacity of 90 cells (29+61). It is designed to use the SM-1MR/SM-2MR, SM-1ER/SM-2ER and SM-3 anti-aircraft missiles, and can also launch Tomahawk cruise missiles and ASROC anti-submarine missiles.

Source: Weapons of Russia

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