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The Launch of Lords of the Fallen: Discover the DualSense Features for an Immersive and Realistic Gaming Experience

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The launch of Lords of the Fallen

Lords of the Fallen is an action-RPG game set to be released soon. Developed using Unreal Engine 5, it promises to offer a unique gaming experience. What sets it apart is its compatibility with the PlayStation 5 DualSense features.

Discover the DualSense Features

In a recent update from the Hexworks team, they provided a detailed overview of the DualSense features in Lords of the Fallen. These features aim to enhance immersion for players in every aspect of the game. One such feature is the controller’s adaptive triggers which give each weapon a distinct feel, allowing players to experience the sensation of wielding different weapons. Light weapons or bows provide minimal resistance when pulling the trigger, while heavy weapons offer a different sensation.

A True-to-Life Experience

For a more varied and realistic experience, when a character launches a heavy attack, the adaptive triggers remain locked until the action concludes. This prevents gamers from attacking repeatedly until the proper time has passed.

Immersive Tactical Feedback

Tactical feedback is yet another exciting aspect of Lords of the Fallen. It allows players to fully experience every light or heavy attack. This feedback enables gamers to feel the transition from Axiom to Umbral during the first kill, and the game’s sound effects further enhance the experience by including the roaring sound of various bosses. The trailer for Lords of the Fallen featured a boss resembling Malenia from the highly anticipated game Elden Ring. Cesar Virtosu, creative director of Hexworks, confirmed that this boss is a tribute to the renowned game director, Miyazaki.

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