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Can Fish Oil Benefit Everyone’s Health?

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Mary McNally
Mary McNally is a UK-based author exploring the intersection of fashion, culture, and communication. With a talent for vivid storytelling, Mary's writing captures the complexities of modern life engagingly and authentically.

Dr. Rima Moiseenko, a Russian nutritionist, said that fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, but some people should avoid it.

In an interview with Radio Sputnik, the expert points out that fish oil is a source of vitamin D and a means of preventing rickets. In addition, fish oil contains a unique combination of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.

“Of all the fatty acids that we get from food, omega-3 must prevail in order for the walls of our vessels to be in perfect condition,” she says. “However, our diet contains more omega-6 fatty acids, since the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is 1 to 18, but the body needs at least 1 to 4. In addition, fish oil contains a very healthy ratio of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which are part of the omega-3 fatty acids and contribute to regeneration of cell membranes.

According to her, some people, due to their genetic characteristics, need the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish oil. Also, the composition of vitamins in it makes it useful for those who need to normalize blood clotting, strengthen immunity and improve skin condition.

She says: “Vitamin A in fish oil improves skin condition, immune response and visual acuity. Fish oil also contains a provitamin, but not of plant origin, but of animal origin, which can be absorbed by everyone. It also contains vitamin K1 and K2, and this normalizes blood clotting and prevents blood clots. K2 is essential to prevent osteoporosis and chronic kidney disease.”

And adds: But fish oil can have negative side effects, so it is not recommended to take it always and regularly without consulting a doctor.

“There are people who are allergic to fish, so they should avoid taking fish oil,” she says. “People with pancreatic problems should also not take fish oil. And people with non-specific autoimmune problems in the gut cannot tolerate fish oil.” You should also avoid fish oil for centenarians who carry the anti-aging gene, because omega-3s are formed in their bodies from different food sources.

Source: News

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