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3 Foods to Lower Cholesterol Levels: Oatmeal, Beans, and Avocado

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Mary McNally
Mary McNally is a UK-based author exploring the intersection of fashion, culture, and communication. With a talent for vivid storytelling, Mary's writing captures the complexities of modern life engagingly and authentically.

High Cholesterol Levels and Their Impact on Health

High cholesterol levels can lead to serious health problems like heart attacks and strokes. When you have excessive cholesterol, it can gradually accumulate in your blood vessels and combine with other substances to form plaque.

Initially, this plaque may not cause any issues, but over time, it can grow and hinder the normal flow of blood through the vessels. Consequently, high cholesterol levels significantly increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other diseases.

The Role of Diet in High Cholesterol Levels

The main factor contributing to high cholesterol levels is diet, particularly foods rich in saturated fat. Examples of such foods include fatty meats, cheese, butter, and crackers. Just as certain foods can raise blood cholesterol levels, there are also foods that can help lower them.

Three Cholesterol-Lowering Foods for Breakfast


Oats contain soluble fiber that aids in reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL), commonly known as “bad” cholesterol. According to the Mayo Clinic, soluble fiber reduces the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream. Consuming five to ten or more grams of soluble fiber per day can lower LDL cholesterol levels. A study published in Lipids found that individuals who consumed 70 grams of oats per day experienced an 11.6% decrease in LDL levels within 28 days.


Beans take longer to digest, leading to a prolonged feeling of fullness after a meal. This characteristic makes beans an excellent choice for individuals trying to lose weight, according to Harvard Medical School.


A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association in 2015 revealed that incorporating one avocado into a moderate-fat/cholesterol diet can lower LDL levels. The study suggests that avocados have positive effects on cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors beyond their heart-healthy fatty acids.

Source: Express

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