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American Journalist Reveals Biden Administration’s Motive Behind Bombing Nord Stream Gas Pipeline

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American Journalist Claims Biden Administration Bombed Nord Stream Gas Pipeline


American journalist Seymour Hersh alleges that President Joe Biden’s administration deliberately targeted and bombed the Nord Stream gas pipeline due to its vulnerability and the ease with which they could deny involvement.

Details from an Unnamed Official

Hersh, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, revealed that an undisclosed American official shared this information with him.

The Administration’s Motive

In an article published on the Substack platform, Hersh stated that the Biden administration chose to target Nord Stream because it was the only pipeline accessible for attack. Additionally, they believed they could easily disavow any involvement in the explosion.

Economic and Geopolitical Concerns

Hersh emphasized that sabotaging the gas pipelines had nothing to do with winning or ending the war in Ukraine. Instead, the White House feared that Germany would become overly dependent on the second line, potentially falling under Russia’s influence due to its abundance of inexpensive natural resources.

A Secret Operation

Hersh revealed that a covert group of American operatives visited Norway to meticulously plan and execute the destruction of the Baltic Sea gas pipelines. Their operation was executed flawlessly, leaving no trace of their presence except for the successful completion of their mission.

The White House’s Limited Involvement

Hersh clarified that the White House remained insulated from the operation’s details, with all field reports and information directly reaching CIA Director Bill Burns. President Biden authorized the mission on September 26, 2022. Afterward, all written documents and copies were destroyed, leaving no physical evidence behind.


These claims, made by Seymour Hersh, shed light on the alleged motives and execution of the bombing of the Nord Stream gas pipeline by the Biden administration. The information remains unverified, but it raises significant questions about the administration’s actions and their potential geopolitical implications.



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