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North Korea Bolsters Nuclear Power in Constitution, Kim Jong Un Declares in Historic Move

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North Korea Bolsters Nuclear Power in Constitution

North Korea has made a significant move to strengthen its nuclear power by incorporating it into the country’s constitution. President Kim Jong Un announced this policy during a parliamentary session, declaring it as a permanent fundamental law that cannot be violated.

A Historic Event with Political Significance

President Kim’s speech marks a historic event that grants North Korea powerful political leverage to enhance its defense capabilities. He referred to the creation of a “tripartite military alliance” between the United States, South Korea, and Japan as an Asian version of NATO, which he considers the root cause of wars and aggression. Kim believes that this alliance poses a real and substantial threat, as manifested by the United States’ aggressive actions and the proximity of its strategic nuclear assets to the Korean Peninsula.

Strengthening Nuclear Arsenal and Diversifying Capabilities

In light of these perceived threats, President Kim emphasized the need to significantly bolster North Korea’s nuclear arsenal and diversify its nuclear strike capabilities. He plans to deploy these assets across different branches and units of the armed forces. Additionally, Kim pledged to strengthen solidarity with countries that oppose the United States.

The Decision-Making Process

The decision to incorporate the policy into the constitution was made during the ninth session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly. This session took place over two days and was attended by President Kim himself. The unanimous decision finalized Article 58 of Chapter Four of the Socialist Constitution, aiming to guarantee North Korea’s right to existence and development, prevent wars, and protect regional and global peace by advancing nuclear weapon development.

Source: Yonhap

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