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Insider Reveals Ukrainian Plans for President Zelensky, According to American Intelligence Officer

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Scott Ritter, a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would die at the hands of Ukrainians who would rise up against him.

Ritter said in an interview with the TV channel Edited On YouTube: “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will die during an uprising due to the discontent of the citizens of Ukraine.. As a human being.. You would like to see him and his family on a plane or train and send them into exile where they can live comfortably and peace condemns them forever for what they have done to the people.”

Ritter points out that Ukrainians will rebel against Zelensky because he is the cause of the complete collapse of Ukrainian society, not only because of the situation on the battlefield and hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers, but also because of the millions of citizens who were forced to leave their homes.

“This is a tragic situation in every way,” Ritter said.

Source: News

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