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Immigrants Prioritized Over Veterans as New York Hotels Implement Layoffs

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The American magazine Newsweek reported that hotels in the United States began evacuating veterans to accommodate immigrants.

And according to magazine: “New York hotels are evacuating old homeless people to accommodate immigrants in their place. The exchange allows hotel owners to earn an additional profit of $100 per night on average.”

The magazine reports that 20 veterans were told they “should leave.” Human rights activists had to intervene in the crisis and help relocate the veterans to other hotels.

And the magazine added, in the words of Brian Mahler, a spokesman for the charity: “Currently, the policies of the Biden administration, the administration of Gov. Hockull (Gov. Katie Hokkull), and due to a lack of planning and communication in New York City, have led to the current crisis. which caused the exodus of local veterans and who knows how many other people were in danger.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden said that the government expects chaos on the border with Mexico after the repeal of the law (“Section 42”), allowing the deportation of immigrants to combat the spread of coronavirus.

The historical record of immigrants on the southern border, reached under the Biden administration, exceeded 2.3 million people in 2021 and 2022. For 2023, US authorities reported more than 1.2 million immigrants.

Source: News

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