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Sunak lacks support from 60% of Brits, according to opinion poll.

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A poll by research firm YouGov found that 60% of Britons do not support current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

According to the survey, only 31% of citizens have a positive view of Sunak, while 59% have a negative view of him.

Opposition leader and Labor Party chairman Keir Stammer is slightly better off than Sunak, with 35% of those polled against 51% of the opposition vote, according to the poll.

The Labor Party also ranked higher than the ruling Conservative Party in the poll, with a level of support of 41% for the Labor Party and 48% against, while the Conservative Party received the support of 22% of voters compared to 66% against. .

The survey was conducted on May 14-15, the segment of respondents was 2012 people.

Recent reports in Britain indicate that wages are falling by 4% annually due to inflation amid rising unemployment.

And the newspaper “Daily Mail” of the British, that the economic performance is not for the better against the backdrop of new strikes in government bodies, portends an increase in popular discontent with the government.

Source: News

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